Thursday, 10 February 2011

Selection as Council Candidate

On Friday 7th January 2011 I was honoured to have been selected by the Larne Division of the Ulster Unionist Party to stand as a candidate at the forthcoming Local Council elections in May 2011. I am delighted with the support which has been shown to me by my colleagues in both the Larne Division and the East Antrim Association of the UUP. 

Last Saturday,  5th February, saw the UUP Party Executive ratify my candidature for the Larne Lough District Electoral Area of Larne Borough Council. I look forward to working with my colleagues in Larne Lough, the current Mayor, Andrew Wilson, and the former East Antrim MP, Roy Beggs. The Larne Lough DEA has been my home for most of my life, and I look forward with excitement to meeting and interacting with constituents and finding out what issues really matter to them in their daily lives.

I plan to use this blog for that very purpose; to communicate with readers, letting you know what I am up to, what I think and believe in, and how I am getting on out and about with the canvassing team. I would really appreciate if you could share your views and ideas with me about what matters to YOU, and how the Ulster Unionist Party and our team in East Antrim and Larne Borough can help out.

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