Thursday 16 May 2013

Views sought for Larne "Off Lead" dog survey

Councillor Mark McKinty has encouraged members of the public to take part in the online survey published by Larne's "Off Lead" dog owner group.

"As a dog owner, I recognise the importance of off-lead exercise for any dog, both for physical and obedience training. This is especially true for the larger and more work-based breeds, of which there is a considerable number within our Borough" said Cllr. McKinty.

"I also recognise that the recent dog control orders have had mixed responses. When these initially came before Council, the control was much more strict. I was one of the Councillors who argued for a more relaxed approach, and that the orders on beaches should be for a shorter period. The Council then began consulting again on new proposals, and 2 of the 3 responses received were in favour of the orders".

"Taking on board the concerns that have been expressed to me, I believe there is a lot of merit in exploring the possibility of a dedicated dog exercise area within the Borough, which would also allow dog owners to socialise their dogs in a controlled environment", he said.

"The Off Lead group have shown leadership not only on this issue, but in ensuring that dog owners within Larne are well-informed, and can socialise their pets together in a safe way. I encourage members of the public to respond to their consultation, the results of which will then be used as evidence in the case for a dedicated space".

"I would also like to thank the many responsible dog owners who clean up after their dogs and are respectfully considerate to other residents. Dog fouling is a huge problem across the country, and one which I continue to raise at Council, however it is important to note that only a small number of irresponsible owners are responsible" he concluded.

To fill in the survey, please visit the following link:

A list of recent dog control orders can be viewed at:


  1. Mark Johnston - Off Lead Larne16 May 2013 at 21:25

    Thank you for putting Off Lead on you blog. Your support in doing this is appreciated.

  2. I honestly hope that we can get a dog park as the owner of a springer it is really important that I can get her exercised, also she loves being around other dogs and being on a lead just doesn't allow her the opportunity to play
