Monday 9 December 2013

Letter to Larne Times

Letter to the Larne Times.

Dear Madam,

I write with reference to your coverage last week (04/12/2013) of the Jubilee Crown in Larne and, in particular, to comments made by Mr Oliver McMullan MLA.

Mr McMullan is quoted as advocating a "shared space" in Larne. I wondered would this be the sort of shared space he had in mind when, as Chairman of the East Antrim National Graves Association, he organised the unveiling of a plaque in memory of the Hunger Strikers?
I know not everyone is fully supportive of the Crown, however I am confident there is a wide range of public approval, from "both sides of the community", as he stated, and that the Jubilee Roundabout has been generally good for the town of Larne, not least in terms of encouraging tourists to stop and enjoy our town.

I note from Facebook that not everyone is in favour of the Hunger Striker memorial, however. One resident stated: "The 'Hunger Strikers', as far as I'm aware, have no connection with Shore St, High St or any other spot in Cushendall. How many residents of the village were consulted .... and agreed to the erection of this new plaque on what is a very important local historical site?" So much for a shared space!

Mr McMullan's lacklustre campaign against the Crown does nothing more than perpetuate the sectarianism and division which he claimes to challenge. To my knowledge, no-one has been bothered enough to write to the Council on this matter. The only objections to planners included one terribly shoddy email from Mr McMullan (complete spelling and grammar mistakes) and a series of photocopied letters.

If that is the extent of the opposition to the Crown on the Jubilee Roundabout, I look forward to its remaining in place, and Mr McMullan should perhaps focus on real issues instead of creating problems where none exist.

Yours, etc,
Cllr Mark McKinty

1 comment:

  1. Agree 100% Mark, challenge him at every opportunity and expose him for what he is (a republican bigot)
