Later that night, two teams set out to begin putting up the posters for the campaign. The posters look great and we managed to get over 100 posters up before 1.30am!
On Monday morning, our Carrickfergus Council candidates were nominated (John Stewart, Andrew Wilson, Beryl McKnight, Cathy Vizard and Cllr. Eric Ferguson) and 3 of our Larne Council candidates were nominated that afternoon (Alderman Roy Beggs, Cllr. Andy Wilson and Maureen Morrow). Again, I wish the best of luck to this excellent group of candidates on 5th May!
I was finally nominated yesterday with Darin Ferguson, and the campaign has now officially started, exactly one month before election day. I was greatly encouraged by the words of support given to me when speaking to the 10 people who nominated me, and I am looking forward to a very busy month ahead.
Election leaflets should be arriving tomorrow, and posters by the weekend. Remember to contact me or any of the team if you have any questions or suggestions. On May 5th vote UUP, dedicated local voices listening to local people and working for YOU!
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