Monday, 22 April 2019

Dangerous Stretch of Road Requires Co-ordinated Approach

Cllr Mark McKinty has appealed for statutory bodies to co-ordinate efforts towards a solution regarding a stretch of road between Eden and Whitehead.

The Belfast Road section of the A2 has been dogged with issues for years, with speed being the main factor among complainants.

Following the latest accident involving a car and a motorcycle, Cllr McKinty has renewed calls for the PSNI, Department of Infrastructure, and other agencies to come together and reach a solution to the enduring problem.

Speaking after the news, he said: "Whilst speeding and traffic issues are not directly related to Council, they are constantly raised with me as I speak with residents and community groups".

"Since I began representing the Whitehead area in 2014, this part of the A2 has been a constant concern for locals and visitors alike. The number of cars passing in both directions on a daily basis is significant, and therefore the level of complaints, near-misses, and actual accidents is also a grave concern."

"Despite a recent extension to the speed restriction limits, the dangerous situation continues. Indeed, with the proposed re-development of the Cloughan Point fuel storage and its associated near-constant flow of traffic out of Quay Lane, I fear that the situation on the Belfast Road will only deteriorate at a worrying rate."

"I therefore reiterate my call to all those responsible for roads and traffic to come together and find a solution before any further accidents or, hopefully not, a fatality may occur. The time to act here is now."

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